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Název česky:
Obnova krkonošských klauz – přání kontra realita
Název anglicky:
The restoration of splash dams in the Krkonoše Mts – desire vs. reality
Autor (autoři):
Vlastimil Pilous
Od strany:
Do strany:
Souhrn anglicky:
The author presents a polemic paper towards the previously
published article by E. Šádková and B. Janský:
Splash dams in the Krkonoše Mts: from the history to
their possible use (Geografie 125/3, 2020). In the historical
review part of the article, the authors present
just a summary of information previously published
elsewhere, usually with a link to secondary literature
sources only. As a conclusion, the authors suggest
restoration of some historical splash dams in order
to improve the hydrological situation of the area. As
a result of their ignorance of complex problems of the
national park and specific local conditions of the study
sites, their suggested options of splash dam restorations
are not feasible. Moreover, the article presents
some incorrect factual data about the splash dams
in the Krkonoše Mts and abroad respectively, which
I put in perspective in this polemic paper.
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